bobby's blog

This Year’s 14 Tracks with Top Disciple Makers from the USA

I cannot overstate the opportunity that is available at this year’s National Disciple Making Forum in about six weeks on November 9-10—it’s the opportunity of a lifetime.

Many of the nation’s top disciple makers will gather to share their best teachings. We are hosting 14 independent tracks (perhaps even more to come). Each one of these tracks will feature five hours of presentation by these top leaders. That is an opportunity to hear from 50 leaders teaching over 70 hours on disciple making and how it addresses every area of life. Yes, disciple making is a solution that can help every problem in our world today—all by the grace of God.

We offer these tracks in addition to the three main forum sessions led by Jim Putman, Thom Rainer, and Trillia Newbell, when everyone at the Forum will gather in one room.

Check out the tracks at this year’s Forum:

  1. Relational DiscipleShift: How to Create a Disciple Making Church Culture (Jim Putman and the Relational Discipleship Network)
  2. Creating Disciple Making Leaders (Bill Hull and The Bonhoeffer Project)
  3. The Holy Spirit and Transformation (Dave Buehring and Lionshare)
  4. Church Planting and Disciple Making (Todd Wilson and Ralph Moore from the Exponential Conference)
  5. Discipling Millennials: Engaging the Next Generation of Church Leadership with the Gospel (Kennon Vaughan and Downline Ministries)
  6. Women’s Discipleship (Joanne Kraft from Grace and Truth Living)
  7. Student Ministry and Disciple Making (Dann Spader and Sonlife)
  8. Invest in a Few: How to Raise Up Reproducing Disciple Makers (Craig Etheredge and discipleFIRST)
  9. How to Disciple the Heart (Monte Starkes and Life-on-Life Missional Discipleship)
  10. How to Mature People through Disciple Making (Daniel Im and the LifeWay Team)
  11. Disciple Making Theology Matters (Tony Twist and the TCM Seminary)
  12. Family Discipleship (Ron Hunter, Jr and D6)
  13. Men’s Discipleship (Regi Campbell of Radical Mentoring and Nate Larkin of the Samson Society)
  14. Crockpot Church Cultures in a Microwave World (Roy and Margaret Fitzwater of Navigator Church Ministry)

We are quickly approaching 900 people who have signed up, and when we reach this number, we will add at least one more track! As you can tell, we’re excited about what’s coming.

Reserve your seat by registering here.





Bobby Harrington, Cofounder and Executive Director

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